

俚语 he/they/she


A set of pronouns used for a person who does not confine themselves to the traditional gender binary. They use these pronouns interchangeably, while still favoring he/him pronouns over they/them, and they/them over she/her.
Did you see her outfit today? She looked so good! I wonder if they would tell me where he bought it. I bet I would look just as good as he did! He/they/she ‘s are so valid!!


A person which you don't know the gender/sex of.

Therefore they could be a he or she.
Person 1: What the hell is that?!
Person 2: I believe that is a he-be-she.

he she or he/she or he-she

A man who dresses like a woman; usually one who can actually be mistaken as a woman. He-she's are usually one step away from gettin sex change operations.
BOB: Damn! That girl is hot!
TONY: That ain't a girl. That's a he-she!

he she or he/she or he-she

A hermaphrodite. A humanish unit that has a cock and a pussy. May sound fun but not when you are trying to find a mate that wants a serious relationship! A layman's term for such an error of biology. Usually used to describe what looks like a woman but is actually...well...a he-she!
he she or he/she or he-she

Max: "Remember that chick I took outa the bar last night."
Scott: "Yea...I remember, I set you up with her" - laughing
Max: "Well, I get her home and I am sucking her tits, licking her tonsils, she's going wild..starts bobbing my Kong, I blow and reach for her pie...gonna do some carpet-munching....But she had a fucking Cock AND a snatch. I was so drunk, I almost pushed the cock aside to get some quim but nearly puked when I smelled it...nasty..nasty...nasty."
Scott: "No shit dude, so you had your first experience with a he-she you man-slut!"

he said she said

An argument between a guy and a gal where the points made on either side can't be proven convincingly enough by either party to someone who has no clue what they're arguing about. Further exacerbated because you have no idea if either person is exaggerating or telling the truth and so nothing can be resolved. You know someone is lying about something, you just can't tell who. Usually the argument revolves around the relationship, money (who spends more on who), or some other pointless crap. Usually they've reached a point in their relationship where they really shouldn't be together and they're just arguing about anything and everything just to argue. Lawsuits can come from this.
Guy: "This b**** told me that she's never been with anybody before, but I found out she's been with a dude who died 3 years ago and didn't tell me about it!"

Gal: "That wasn't a romantic relationship! He was gay! I was just his friend!"

Third party: "Yeah, I can't tell if either of you is telling the truth. The dude's dead and so any proof of him being gay probably died with him if we was in the closet to everybody else. Gal, the gay card could be an excuse to get out of a lie. And you, guy, you could just be a jealous jackass and making this stuff up. It's a classic he said she said."

he say she say

when someone talks and you hear alot of "he said" or "she said" in it without any truth. one word: DRAMA.
person1:hey girl i heard that you like micheal! well you know SHE SAID that you was -

person2:hold up, i know you not trying to get in my face with no he say she say mess.

he said she said

1)Gossip passed from one person to another before it gets to the person that is being gossiped about.
he said she said example...

1)"sherry-ann said that paul said that amy said that will said that lee-anne said that elisha said that jade said that james said he licked you out!"

"yeh well you can tell sherry-ann to tell paul to tell amy to tell will to tell lee-anne to tell elisha to tell jade that none of it's true. james is making up lies because i wouldn't dump my bf for him!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:26:13