

俚语 higgi


A small, cute little hiccup. A hiccup that makes a squeaky little sound, usually under the breath. Usually caused by a girl trying to stifle a real hiccup. Sounds very funny when heard in rapid succession from a girl...kinda like a little squeaky-toy!
"Her hiccups are small and cute...you know, higgies."

"Heidi is cute when she hiccups a higgi!"

"Oops, I feel a higgi coming on..."

Another version of the word hickey, possibly?


(n.) Destroyer of Pussy; Big, Sexy, Hunk who all the bitches are after!
Oooow! I want higgies BIG JUICY COCK!


Heavy In a Good waY. Voluptuous. Curvy.
"You say she's fat; I say she's higgy."

higgy higgy

A skateboarding trick involving a live bear. The end result is the bear catching the board in it's teeth and the skater standing upon the bear's head. The chances of pulling off this trick is extremely low and a skater can easily look any of their limbs.
Dude 1: Hey man, did you hear? James pulled off a higgy higgy.

Dude 2: Yeah, but his brother was not as lucky. They say Timmy is going to need to be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

Dude 1: That sucks for him.


Someone who is a higgy is known around for being a big ass bitch to his friends when a female is around
God I fucking hate when Luke’s being a higgy when Hannah is around


When a man shows tendincies to being gay but likely isn't. However they enjoy painting their nails and holding cigarretes as a gay person would.
"He's not all Man, He's a Higgy"


A spacky child, with no sense of direction. Inability to come out with anything useful but able to do the most unuseful of things.
Your such a higgie! You made a higgie mess of that!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:35:53