

俚语 high tech schools

High Tech Schools

Not what theyr all worked up to be. All schools are extremely small and filled with drama and kids who think they are the shit but really are no better than kids at regular schools. actually they might be worse.

HTH-the school everyone thinks is the best
HTHMA-the one NOBODY thinks is the best
HTHI- the one that the freshmen took over and made the "stoner school"
HTMMA-probably the most layed back of all the schools, but the kids are just as bad as all the other schools in the village
HTM- has some of the snobbiest kids on the planet. it's like all the evil stuck up kids of the world got together and decided "hey, let's go to HTM!"
regular kid: hey, i got into High tech!

High tech schools kid: i'm so sorry

High Tech High School

High Tech High School is a public magnet school Locted in Secaucus, NJ. It was formerly located in North Bergen, NJ, but moved due to the building being bad. All the students hated this. New building is comparable to s prison, too many rules, and limited to no outdoor time.

Most of the people in the school are white girls. The school has a YouTube page that they post weird videos to from the podcasting class. Many lazy teachers are in d-fab and d-fab students often complain about how easy it is. The only good academics are in the science majors. Freshmen often get expelled for vaping weed.
You go to high tech high school?
Yeah . They don’t let us go outside.

High Tech High School

High Tech High School is a public magnet high school in North Bergen, New Jersey. It is filled with an increasing number of students each and every year with retarded little freshmen. The whole entire school is filled with pot heads of all ages and sizes, which is where High Tech High School gets its name. Usually an astounding number of incoming freshmen come to this school thinking they will achieve flawless, superlative grades only to come out half drunk with a gram of dub in their mouth.

High Tech's performing arts (dance) program is filled with countless numbers of gay homosexuals and whores who believe that they can dance. This almost makes the entire program a huge LGBT club. The science program is filled with teachers who could do with an ESL class. Science majors are full of orthodox Muslims who literally reference Allah in everything that they say, and Chinks and Curry-smelling Indians who masturbate to multivariate calculus. The other programs in the school is full of so much shit that taking a shit on it will make my shit look bad. Therefore, it is not worth talking about, aforementioned in the above entry.
The programs are shit, the students are shit, and the teachers are shit. What more could anyone ask for in a blue ribbon school?
Student 1: Dude, what school do you go to?
Student 2: I go to High Tech High School...
Student 1: Yo you got some dope?
Student 2: Dude don't even, just walk into the school and you get high as fuck.

High Tech High School

High Tech High School is a school Locted in Secaucus, NJ. It was formerly located in North Bergen, NJ, but moved because the building was old as fuck. Dunno why it’s called “High Tech” when the wifi here is literally so ASS. The dumbass defab majors take up 3/4 of the entire school. Dance majors and musical theatre majors are obviously superior because hello? We’re talented.

The school is mostly white girls who dye their hair blonde and you will rarely see any cute guys. There’s at least only 15 cute guys here. Juniors always vape in the bathroom and ask the freshies if they wanna hit.

Broadcasting kids are usually nerds or very attractive (50/50 chance). A bunch of white guys who preach about how saying the n word isn’t bad.. and a few shady dance majors who give people side eyes. Drama majors are always goofy bro those mfs don’t know how to SHUT UP!

Unnecessary classes like what the fuck is Math proficiency and why do we need to take it? We got a couple of teachers and counselors who are Pitbull look-alikes. We got a dumbass principle who dresscodes girls for even showing a GLIMPSE of their stomach. Freshmans here are short as fuck bruh and sensitive as hell. But hey they’re funny.

Mfs stay mad because our school has more fun shit than theirs LOL! No we’re not potheads.
“You go to high tech high school?”
“Shut the fuck up”

Don Estringe High Tech Middle School

Don Estringe. Known for their expensive ass campus and their good blend of njb, TikTok thots, lesbians, smart sluts, and more school archetypes but with a boca Raton twist.
Oh I go to Don Estringe High Tech Middle School sooo

Nashoba tech high school

A high school filled with white kids there is maybe 1 black kid in each class. They are like division 10 and they suck at football and basketball
Hi my name is Tyron
Hi Tyron you must not go to nashoba tech high school

Art Tech High School

A school for Arts and Technology. Not just a school for rejects and pot smokers.
Art Tech High School Student: Haha, I only have three periods in a day and practically no homework!




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