

俚语 hilario's


A somewhat rare spanish name - Hilario is usually known as the boy/man who takes action when no one will, he’s a player but when he finds the female he’s truly into, he’ll change for her, Hilario can be funny, but also very serious, tends to hide his feelings from anyone because a Hilario fears of being taken advantage from, he thinks very highly of himself, but also doesn’t think much for himself, a such kind hearted person he is, but also an evil person, men or boys with the name Hilario should be treated as of how you’d want him to treat you, you wouldn’t want to be on the short end of the stick here, for his friends he’ll take careful of them, make them and change them to be better for themselves, and for those he has compassion for, he can be a bit territorial of, Hilario is an all around guy, he might lack the looks, but has the personality traits anyone would want, just be careful around those named Hilario, for much you still don’t know a lot about them, there’s more to find about their dark side, as same as their fun side
Person 1 : Hey, isn’t that Hilario?

Person 2 : Not sure, he seems weird

Person 1: Watch it, don’t talk about him like that !


Sweet, Filipino boy residing in the land of Long Beach who engages in busting missions with his crew of secret agent ninja warriors by night but does origami by day. Pokémon master of an elite team of Evee evolutions, a Hilario looks like he would be doing his homework, but low-key he's just playing Pokémon. Hilarios are usu. adorkable nerds, crazy dancers, good singers and have hearts for only that one special person.
Example #1:
Person: It's so cute how Hilario snores like a baby.

Example #2:
Person 1: Hilario speaks with a lithp.
Person 2: Yeahman, I think that's cute tho.

Example #3:
Person 1: Do you think Hilario did his SMO?
Person 2: Nawh, he was probably up late training his team of Evees.

Example #4:
Hilario: (singing) Halika dito, halika dito baby.

Example #5:
Harlee: Dude, you're ugly like that Pertagley girl.
Hilario: Don't you mean, "Perez de Taglé"?

Example #6:
The World: Dude, Hilario's mom makes the best food!


He is a loving and kind person he will give you his heart and keep it safe and when its time be loud he will do so he is shy and not shy you will love him no matter what there is no way you can't love Hilario.
Girl-who is that
Bff- how don't you know him
Girl-i am wag to popular to notice people

Bff-well even the best notice Hilario


a word you use to describe something slightly less funny than hilarious
“OMG that was hilarious!”
“Nah, but i’d say it’s hilario;)”


Abreviation of Hilarious, derived from the name of Chelsea goalkeeper, Henrique Hilário M. Alves Sampaio. Hilario is a word you should use in response to a story that someone has just told you, which was either meant to be funny and wasn't or was just an interesting fact.
"Yesterday i went to Pizza Hut and lost a slice of my pizza...you could say I've lost my edge!!!!"

"Did you know that children who passed through the Wimbledon Green around the time of The Wombles being aired actually caused a litter problem because they were leaving things for the Wombles to find."


A short fat kid who is very funny but can get very annoying. He also isn't very intelligent but can be fluent in a foreign language. Hilario is a guy who enjoys the simpler things in life like cheap cars.
Hilario is an hilarious person.


Sweet boy. He can be annoying and mean at moments. He is really ugly but a lot of people don’t think so. He catches feelings really easily and is always using Snapchat. He is very loyal and doesn’t cheat. Don’t ever get rid of a Hilario.
Who is that? That is my crush. His name is hilario




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:31:27