

俚语 hinning


A synonym of pwnage. The word started with a thread on the popular dance music forum DOA, where a bitter and borderline depressed poster explained how someone had fucked with his father, so he put hin in his place.
A small revolution ensued, fueled by the sympathy that the population of DOA felt for the outraged but loyal son. In a stance of respect and following, the all-too common verb to pwn, or the derivative noun pwnage were replaced with the emotionally charged to hin, and hinning respectively. The heroic figure has been granted an avatar on the forums, a distinctive sign of social ascension, to emphasize his semi-cult, semi-legendary status.
lol bare hinning mate!


Someone who has been put in his place after fucking with someone else's father.
See hinning.
A man fucked with my father tonight. I put hin in his place.


Hin, to (v).

An act of retribution (putting someone 'in their place'). A hinning is dealt out by the hinner following a prior transgression of the hinee towards the hinner.
A hinning may take any form; mental, physical or electronic (see 'e-hinning').

A hin requires a degree of righteousness and deserved retribution - when you hin you are 'putting one in one's place' for something wrong they have done to you or others.
For example, if one walked up to someone and beat them up for no reason, while that may be so-called 'pwnage', that would not be a hinning. However, if said attackee had, say, insulted the attacker's father beforehand, any subsequent kicking dealt out would be a textbook hin (or 'hinning(s)').


From a typo in a thread (see below) on the Dogs On Acid forum (www.dogsonacid.com) in 2003, which has since grown into a meme beyond said forum.
First known usage as a verb (or a variation thereof)came in late 2006 when one user coined the expression 'e-hinning' (see below)


Origin of 'hin' as a word-
Thread title:'A man fucked with my father tonight. I put hin in his place.'
From www.dogsonacid.com (link too long, go to dogsonacid and search)

First known usage of 'hin' as a verb-
Thread title:'straight up...the next fucking person...'
From www.dogsonacid.com (link too long, go to dogsonacid and search)
1) I am going to Hin you.


3) straight up...the next fucking person...who leaves me a shirty message on my aim cos i didn't get back to them on something when they want, or is always offline by the time i get back to my machine...is going to get a serious e-hinning


hin is a word to describe a male character when you do not have auto correct on, or just simply don’t know how to type him
“ I love hin so very much!”


Not a name. It's a pronoun.
It's hin!


Hot Import Nights
lets go to hin this summer


an acronym for "hot import nights". a car show comprised of mainly fixed up import cars. originated in california but tours around the country. it used to be fun and interesting to go to until "the fast and the furious" came out and everybody and their mothers decide to show up.

people that usually go to hin:
-stupid azns with 3 ft. spiky hair
-slutty girls who do not know anything about cars
-people who actually like cars
-people who actually like cars's girlfriends
-perverts who like models(but who doesnt)
1. oMg I wEnT 2 HiN aNd DeRe WeRe LyKe s0o0 mAnY h0t GuYz
2. -dude wanna go to hin?
-fuckin a dude sasha singleton is gonna be there




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