

俚语 hippie fuck

hippie fuck

outdoor sexual intercourse
i hippie fucked her on the beach

hippie fucking scumbag

The dirty, smelly, stoned person who thinks it's "natural" to go without deoderant, soap, or water for three weeks and beg normal people for enough change to buy another dime bag of weed to help numb the pain of a miserable "non-conformist" life.
"That hippie fucking scumbag just asked me for some change and then said "fuck you then" when I ingored him."

hippie fucking scumbag

A dirty shitty ass punk rocker kid that goes to highschool and tries to be different but isn't.
Hate the jocks, the preps, the hippie-fuckin scumbags
Heavy metalers with their awful, pussy hair bands

Stupid Fucking Hippy

A hippy thats a fucking idiot
“The government is gonna kill us! Pass da joint.”

“Your a stupid fucking hippy”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:29:11