

俚语 hippophant


An animal crossed between a hippo and an elephant. Defends itself by hitting people and shooting lasers out of its face dick(trunk). The Hippophant is the llamaphants first line of defense. It comes from the planet Microgate where it feeds off of peanuts soaked in the blood of Donald Trump. Hippophants want to disregard the female population and acquire currency. Their first victim is the entire male population. Hippophants have to sacrifice their first born to the all mighty powerful Ellen DeGeneres in order to survive. When they aren't trying to take over the entire the male population they like to Netflix and chill in the cage with Lucifer. Hippophants speak in tongues and in their free time enjoy skydiving with Dobey. Its only weakness is sparkling vampires.
A Hippophant is having a baby! Where is Ellen?!




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更新时间:2024/12/23 12:25:39