As hipster emulates many fads and trends of the past, trying to make them their own, a hipsternik takes this cycle to yet another level by trying to emulate a hipster. However they do not participate in communal hipster activities and lack the intellectual awareness.
They have the physical appearance of a Hipster, without the social, political and idealogical mores.
Essentially, a Hipsternik is to Hipster what a Beatnik is to Beat.
They have the physical appearance of a Hipster, without the social, political and idealogical mores.
Essentially, a Hipsternik is to Hipster what a Beatnik is to Beat.
Instead of participating the important hipster pastime of rummaging through crates at thrift stores, hipsterniks take the fast train and buy vintage-esque clothing from popular clothing chains like Urban Outfitters, Forever 21 and Pacsun.