Someone who's kind, nice, humble, trustworthy and nerd. He also ditch people sometimes.
This is my friend Momo, he's a hirr.
Hirr hirr
An onomatopoeia imitating a laughing sound. Used to indicate insincere or disengaged laughter, e.g. as a response to a bad joke, or to something only moderately humorous.
Moderately funny person A: The database won't accept my input.
Tech: It's too big.
A: That's what SHE said!
Tech: Hirr hirr.
Tech: It's too big.
A: That's what SHE said!
Tech: Hirr hirr.
hirr birry
people of rural upbringing from asia.
hill billy said with asian accent.
hill billy said with asian accent.
toilet paper for wipey wipey. Not bonfire. stupid hirr birry