

俚语 hispaniphobia


The fear of Hispanic people.

When people don't wanna hear Hispanic people blathering on and yelling about their very young children not listening to them.

Hispanic people are just plain-ass crazy, crazier than white or black people. They never follow the American instructions properly.
There was this Hispanic family at the city park annoying the living fuck outta other Hispanic people and there was hardly any white or black people at the park that day. The Hispanic family's children were very whinny and annoying, more annoying than any other ethnic race of people.

There were no white, black or Asian people there because they had Hispaniphobia.

Hispanic Person #1 "Usted es un idiota!"
Hispanic Person #2 "Vete a la mierda!"
Hispanic Person #3 "¿Por qué no hay ningún pueblo blancos, asiáticos o negros aquí?"
Hispanic Person #4 "Debido a que este es nuestro gueto hispana Hahaha!!"




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