

俚语 hisser


A sneaky female fart.
A woman engaged in conversation at a cocktail party cuts loose with a hisser, i.e., she silently passes gas. She will usually try to affect an air of bored nonchalance but, to deflect possible attention to herself, will often transfix the nearest male with an accusatory glare which implies, 'You pig! How dare you do that in my presence?'


Hell emo person that hangs in the city and hisses at people. Emotional, clingy and only associates in small negative groups. Cartoon characteristics that physically represent feelings, little over exaggerated hand movements. Acts like a baby, cute but scary ways.
Looks at those hissers sitting in a group at the park in the city, cuddling and making baby noises. Look at their facial piercings


When a girl takes a piss with an audible jetting or rushing sound, often enhanced or amplified by a toilet bowl.
Holy shit, Michelle, you must have had to go bad. I heard that hisser from down the hall!


Scottish term; (noun) predominantly used in the west of Scotland to describe someone being a joke, brass neck, riddy, embarrassment.
"OMG, did you see her giving it the worm on the dance floor last night? That lassie is a total hisser!"

Hisser kisser

A hisser kisser is someone who kisses hissers. AKA, one who kisses ones vaginal area. I dont reccomend it, unless you are a hisser kisser. If so, be my guest and kiss all the hissers you want.

Hisser referes to ones vagina.
Asha Bsomething (clumpy eyed shit) is a hisser kisser.


a domestic species of small carnivorous mammal. Felis Catus
Even santa muerte might abondon you someday but your dog will never do. Hissers are for loosers.




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