

俚语 hockey dick

hockey dick

When your sick rubs against your damn leg all day and you get a rash on your longjohn
Dude I have a bad case if hockey dick.

Hockey Puck Dick

Def 1: An extreme form of a chode. Extreme to the point that the penis does not exceed 1 1/2 inches in length and ranges from 3-4 inches in width.

Def 2: A person who is an extreme chode.
Jean Paul Aller is a perfect example of a Hockey Puck Dick. Jean Paul Aller has a Hockey Puck Dick

Dick Hockey

When two people are metaphorically swinging their dicks at each other. Also known as a “pissing contest.”
Alex was tired of all the boys sitting around playing dick hockey, so she grabbed her things and got the hell out of there.

hockey stick dick

A dick crooked like the end of a hockey stick.
Me: I felt like I was in the NHL last night.
Friend: Why?
Me: Homeboy had a serious case of hockey stick dick.

dick hockey

a group of guys playing hockey with their dicks
*in hockey dressing room*
koby * drops towel* “hey guys wanna play dick hockey”

dick hockey

A gay man pushing the testicles of a reclining man around with his erect penis.
Are you going to fuck me, or just play dick hockey all night?




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:19:46