Hoe Bath
When you don't have access to a shower and have to wash yourself in a sink somewhere tragic, like a gas station.
La Tanya's dog R Kelly peed on her jeans so she had to take a hoe bath at work.
Hoe Bath
A term used when a female or prostitute has sex with a male partner and instead of showering, they simply use a wash cloth to wipe the residue away.
Girl I just slept with Rod but I don't have time to shower for the club. I'll just take a quick hoe bath.
hoe bath
a type of bath giving immediately after sex or just a quick bath when your just washing the important parts face, underarm, and genital areas.
Girl, I know you go have a hoe bath before you leave?
Let me take a hoe bath right quick.
Let me take a hoe bath right quick.
Hoe bath
When you've gotta wash your pits and your clit.
Girl, I know imma meet someone tonight but it's been a long day, i needa take a hoe bath.
two-dollar hoe bath
To spray oneself with colonge or perfume, instead of bathing in soap and water. You can usually tell by the strong odor ,overbearingly sweet of manly.
I came on the bus this morning and i could totally tell someone took a two-dollar hoe bath! smelt like fritos and funk.