When you have to ask, multiple times, if the reason your toddler boy is holding his penis is if he has to pee. After he continues to hold it for prolonged periods of time ones demeanor turns aggressive.
Daddy: "Hey buddy do you have to go pee?"
Kid: "Nope, I am fine...."(goes off to play)
**10 minutes later...still clutching his pee-pee**
Daddy: "Dude, if you have to go pee, let's go now before the food comes...I don't wanna have to give you a holdinscoldin in front of the entire restaurant"
Kid: "Nope, I am fine...."(goes off to play)
**10 minutes later...still clutching his pee-pee**
Daddy: "Dude, if you have to go pee, let's go now before the food comes...I don't wanna have to give you a holdinscoldin in front of the entire restaurant"