About the same as a homeskillet but slightly less than a homefry despite the larger mass.
Non NC resident: Hey bro, do you know where I can score some crack rocks?
NC resident: Bro? who the hell you calling bro?
Non NC resident: Hey! Hey! No disrespect homefry1
NC resident: Homefry?! You ain't from around here homewedge!
Non NC resident: homewedge? Whatever man. you know where I can score some crack rocks?
(NC resident then beats the daylights our of Non NC resident)
NC resident: Bro? who the hell you calling bro?
Non NC resident: Hey! Hey! No disrespect homefry1
NC resident: Homefry?! You ain't from around here homewedge!
Non NC resident: homewedge? Whatever man. you know where I can score some crack rocks?
(NC resident then beats the daylights our of Non NC resident)