

俚语 homie dome

Homie Dome

Refers to the "dome" shape your "homie" makes with his/her hands around your smoking utensil in order to block the wind while you light up.
Homie #1: "Yo cholo can I get a homie dome real quick? It's windy as a fucking wind storm out here"
Homie #2: "Yee, no problem ninja"

Homie Dome

The act of one male performing oral sex on another male as an act of friendship, usually while incarcerated or during an extended period in which female companionship is not readily available.
"Hey Tim, lemme hit that homie dome."

Homies check yo domes I may be reachin for my choppa

In the landmark case of Jesse Parrish v. School District, the controversial quote got famous. Definition:

1. An ambiguously meaningless saying that has or implies no negative connotation. Merely an expression of one's own frustration in a positive, healthy, constructive manner.

2. Is equivalent to saying: Friends, I am frustrated right now, but I know I must keep my head up, and you should too, because that is what is best for the world.
Fred: Hey Jesse, did you get suspended for true threats?

Jesse: Yes, and here is how it made me feel: Homies check yo domes I may be reachin for my choppa




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