

俚语 homiesexuality


Homiesexuality - a type of sexuality where a man is completely straight any other time, but is gay with the homies but is still not gay.
No no no, its not homosexuality, its homiesexuality


its a sexuality where we homies but it aint gay cause we’re just homies
person1: ay bruh u kiss yo homies gn?
person2: naw thats gay af
person1: nah its js homiesexual ! 👅


when you act 100% gay with your friends but you’re actually straight
tyler: can i tickle your balls real quick?
jackson: no that’s gross!
tyler: don’t worry, it’s homiesexual


When you got to pull a favor for the boys. Such favors tend to be sexual, but non-homosexual.
Eating your boy's ass ain't homosexual it's homiesexual.


Homiesexual is a sexuality, and is related to homosexuality and heterosexuality, you still maintain your heterosexual identity outside of your friendships, but when you’re interacting with your homies, it will be acceptable to make homosexual comments to them. Without the fear of being called gay. People who identify as a homiesexual, is free of using phrases such as “no homo” since their sexuality is already disclosed.
Person1 “Yo, homie! I see yo’ cute ass lookin’ nice and tight today, love you cutie.”
Person2 (Homie) “Aye, thanks homie! Yo’ sexy ass lookin’ fine too ;)”

Person3 (Observing Conversation) “Man, y’all a bunch of homiesexuals!”


When your homie does some suspect/gay things but it ain't really gay cause they is your homie.
"Me and my boy are homiesexuals, so that means we can jerk each other off and it won't be gay."


Homiesexual, a word derived from homosexual. But its gayness with and for the homies. Because this gayness is conducted around and in the homies. It is not gay nor will it ever be. Since your homie, is always a homie and only a homie. You and them cannot be accountable for any actions that may sound gay.
Friend: "Did you jerk Kenny off last night??"
Me: "Yep, but its cool we homiesexual!"
Friend: "Oooh, did y'all say no homo?"
Me: "No need, we wore socks"




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