An adult homosexual that is a sexual predator to minors of the same sex.
An adult homosexual that is attracted to minors of the same sex and includes engaging in persuading their ideas of sexuality in corrupting minors of the same sex by appearing friendly.
Homopredophilia is the depraved sexual assault act of a homopredophile done against a minor of the same sex.
Homopredophilia is the sexual assault of homosexuality committed against a minor of the same sex as the sexual predator.
Brought to by, Knologist Prime.
An adult homosexual that is attracted to minors of the same sex and includes engaging in persuading their ideas of sexuality in corrupting minors of the same sex by appearing friendly.
Homopredophilia is the depraved sexual assault act of a homopredophile done against a minor of the same sex.
Homopredophilia is the sexual assault of homosexuality committed against a minor of the same sex as the sexual predator.
Brought to by, Knologist Prime.
"So-and so, an alleged homopredophile was arrested for sexual assault and rape of a minor of the same sex ." Said Knologist Prime.