

俚语 anxieted


When someone gives u anxiety
Stefani makes me anxieted everyday


A noun which describes the combined feelings of anxiety and excitement over a forthcoming situation.
Giving an embarrassing speech at your best friend's wedding:
A: So how's the best man's speech going along?
B: Man, I've got anxietment about the whole thing!


v. anxietized, anxietizing, anxietizes

v. tr.
1. to cause or impose anxiety

adj. anxietized
1. the state of containing overpowering anxiety
I did my best to anxietize my enemy.

I became extremely anxietized by the potentially murderous cat.


The feeling of being so excited for an event that you become increasingly anxious.
A: Are you ready to go out tonight?
B: I’m not sure I’m totally anxieting.


Anxietic, to use anxiety as a disease.

My own word. Bitch.
"I can't sleep, I'm too anxietic to even spell."


When after an anxiety attack or an anxiety spurt one becomes tired and/or sick.
guy 1: Oh man, I hate my anxiety. I get tired afterwards.
guy 2: Shit, you must be anxietated.


The anxiety diet. Losing weight due to stress.
On an episode of "Veep", when VP Selina Meyer asked Rep. Furlong what he's doing to look good and in shape: "Working out?" "Yeah, well, I'm on the anxiety diet. Anxiet."




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