

俚语 hooga boogas


Another was of saying "Hitting the Bong" people wont know
Bro did you do the Hooga-Booga last night at the party?

Hooga Boogas

describing a woman with millennium size large breasts.
describing a woman with millennium size large breasts.

Guy 1: "Hey dude, what are you staring at?"
Guy 2: "That woman over there has some DEATH STAR SIZED HOOGA BOOGAS"
Guy 1: "Oh, ok then

Hooga Booga

A large ass. (in a positive sense)

"That bitch has a hooga booga."

"I was too busy looking at her hooga booga to notice the mole on her face."

Hooga-Booga Bush

Someone in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 who disguise themselves as bushes and knife people in the face while they are scoping with the snipers
Noooo! The Hooga-Booga Bush just knifed me in the face again!




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:39:42