

俚语 hooker pirate

Hooker Pirate

A girl who is a stupid skank.
Yo that girl is a smelly hooker pirate.

pirate hooker

Noun. A female who travels with a large group of men, servicing each one of them in turn to placate the crowd. This term was created in honor of the brave women who traveled with pirate ships on long journeys, keeping them sane and satiated.
You: I'm going to hang out with the ENTIRE football team tonight!
Me: Pirate Hooker.
You: I take offense to that.
Me: Shut up hooker. Be proud of your heritage.

Pirate hooker

a nautical prostitute with little to no vitamin c who sells sexy time to drunken seamen
Pamela anderson; kira knightly, both examples of pirate hookers

"yarrrrr, i burnt me hook on the pirate hookers scurvy ridden bloomers."


Pirate Hooker

A female, often a teenager, who has stored an array of "cargoes" in her "hull." More than a typical whore on land, she often ventures into the high seas, in search of her next victim and often later wears the man's balls on necklace. Even though she gets around like a wheel, she lacks skill and the man is underwhelmed by her tactics, and in some extreme cases, the man cannot even ejaculate because he can only focus on how badly he has to pee. She doesn't have scurvy, but what she has rhymes with it (starts with an H). She's been tossed up more than your average baseball, but just like with playing catch in the backyard, there's always a chance you'll lose you ball(s).
R: Whatch out for that one track girl, she's a pirate hooker.
J: I know, jiggah, i learned the hard way.

pirate hooker

(pir·ate-hook·er) noun

A female who frequently whores the male sex. This species of women are usually found wearing way too much make-up while flirting with men old enough to be their father. Pirate Hookers are also known to be extremely ignorant. For example, many Pirate Hookers will turn down the first half decent guy to ask them on a date and then later that night screw a dirty guidoed-out meathead. You can usually spot a Pirate Hooker smoking at your local McDondalds or being fondled by a circle jerk of scum bags.
Dude #1: Hey man, did that chick ever call you back?
Dude #2: Nah bro, that chicks a pirate hooker

pirate hooker

a pirate hooker is a girl that moves from ass to ass, therefore making her a hooker. shes just looking for fresh booty
Stacy Vann is such a Pirate Hooker!

pirate hooker

A women who is usually racist, violent, a little bi curious and resides in a little shack on whore island.
A: she hates black people, is bicurious and has guns
B: tell that pirate hooker to go back to her home on whore island




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