Semi recent Australia colloquialism, defined as a passionate elitist member of social media groups. Related genetically to the previously defined hoorang
Mantis is a member of our group, the hoorangutan showed up on old mates door to get money back back from a deal gone south! #EveryonesFavouriteDebtCollector
Chris is hard as nails on the outside, a big cuddly teddy bear who likes man hugs, cooking for his man friends and quoting TLC lyrics. One of the moderators, the hoorangutan is always fighting the good fight.
Alex-ander, the hoorangutan, crucifies those beneath him with withering examples of fixed blades and his magnificent calves.
Ernie, saviour, shining light, token Asian - the hoorangutan presents we mere peasants with examples of greatness to which we should aspire.
Chris is hard as nails on the outside, a big cuddly teddy bear who likes man hugs, cooking for his man friends and quoting TLC lyrics. One of the moderators, the hoorangutan is always fighting the good fight.
Alex-ander, the hoorangutan, crucifies those beneath him with withering examples of fixed blades and his magnificent calves.
Ernie, saviour, shining light, token Asian - the hoorangutan presents we mere peasants with examples of greatness to which we should aspire.