

俚语 anything but scrambled eggs


The New United States Ultimate Classified Security Clearance Level. A MKULTIMATE password for when gaslit nitwits from the 20th Centuries behave on MKULTRA full-field scrambled-eggs principles of classified bullshit.
I went into the chaplain's office to run clerical on my GangStalk MurderKill GasLIGHT Obsecration OrDERs, and the cleric was, like, "Welcome to GoodBurger, Home of the GoodBurger. Can I take your order...?" And I was, all, "I need one GoodBurger, hold the greasy-ass, sleazy-ass, cheesy-ass, square-ass, Wish.com-ass, big-forehead-ass, bad-whopper-ass, dumbass cheeseburgers. Do you need to check my security clearance level? How about Medium-Rare, With a Side of Grilled Asparagus Spears and a Baked Sweet Potato? I'll also have a giant tub of spaget, a grilled gruyere cheese sandwich, and, literally, fucking ANYTHING BUT SCRAMBLED EGGS!" And the cleric was, like, "Sounds like you're privy to some classified shit. So The Fuck OrDERED; So Mote It The Fuck Be. A Fucker Men. Praise The Lord God Almighty."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:05:04