

俚语 hop to

Hop to

Get moving, get your act together, take some action to solve a problem. More effective wnen used in conjunction with an expletive.
Direct communication: "Honey the movie starts in 5 minutes. You look beautiful. Hop to."

3rd party usage: "We had a great date and he said he'd call -- if he doesn't hop to and pick up the phone he's gonna lose out."

Harshest application: "I asked you to take out the trash and you haven't yet. I'm out of patience. Hop the f*ck to!"


A word used to express what sound a rabbit makes.
Parent: What sound does a dog make?
Child: Woof, woof!
Parent: What sound does a rabbit make?
Child: Hop-hop, hop-hop.


can be used as a verb or a noun. Can be used as the act of ejaculation, or can be used as the semen itself.
Stu has AIDS and threatened to be-hop on everyone.

hop in

The act of entering, usually, in some vehicle. Normally said with the goal of expressing a cool, stylish, and fast way of making your point, instead of "get inside of". May also be used with "into", instead of "in".
1"Nice car."
2"Hop in already."

1"I need to go home now."
2"Hop into the bike on the garage."


An uninvited passenger who "hops on" to one's vehicle.
"George Michael is doing great with his driving lessons. He had his first hop-on!"

"Watch out for overpasses and hop-ons. You're going to get some hop-ons."

hop to it

An expression used when you want someone to get something done quickly.
person 1-Hey bro, did you finish washing my car?
person 2-No because I was going to wait till it cooled off outside.
person 1- Well hop to it, I got a date in about an hour.


excessive vertical, the ability to jump very high, preferably in a hoop game
chick: " yo check out dwayne, he gots some mad hops"! "He just flushed one on tyrone".




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