

俚语 horny boi

Horny boi

A teenage male with horemonal problems

Symptoms include:
Having the name Peter

Watching porn on the bus
Peter is a horny boi

Horny Boy

A Horny Boy is someone that feels the need to sext his gf in school.
Man that Connor Noble sure is a Horny Boy! Especially after what happened to his gf!

tres horny bois

the three main characters from the adventure zone balance arc. it is made up of magnus burnsides: the human fighter, taako (pronounced like taco): the wizard elf, and merle highchurch: the dwarven cleric.
the tres horny bois tricked garfield the deals warlock into giving them the flaming poisoning raging sword of doom.

Horny-Boy Juice

The Fluids that come from a male member of the LGBT COMMUNITY, that contains saliva, groin area moisture, and occasionally internal body fluids, like semen.
There was a strong wind of Horny-Boy Juice coming from that car door.

Dude be neglecting to clean that car out.

Horny boi

A teenage male with horemonal problems

Symptoms include:
Having the name Peter

Watching porn on the bus
Peter is a horny boi




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:45:07