

俚语 hornytoad

Horny Toad

noun. an amphibian that is covered in horns, spiky or pointy protrusions; LIKES TO FUCK

Source: Distractible Podcast "Humanity is Bad" Published 13 December 2021
1. And doth I have found this strange frog, had horns, love to fuck. Incredible creature. Will procure a sample.

2. The toad is covered in horns, seems to be quick on the move, eats its prey with its tongue, LIKES TO FUCK (What happened to me? I wasn't prepared for that...seemingly possessed by a demon? What the hell came over me?)
3. The horny toad seems to have some kind of psychedelic excretion from the surface of its skin...LOVES THE PEEN.

Horny Toad

A male that is usually horny about 24/7 to be exact. Constantly daydreams about sexual fantasies. Usually named Alfred. Like to seduce mexican women. Once seduced he turns back into a toad
There goes that horny toad

Horny Toad

A dude that will screw anyone or anything... aka creep, looser or freak
Horny toad dude: Hey your new at this school what you doing tonight wanna go to my place and screw?
New girl at school: Get lost creep!
Horny toad dude: Do you have a sister, does she wanna go to my place and screw?
New girl at school: Didn't I just tell you to get lost! Looser!!
Horny toad dude: How about a brother, does your brother wanna go to my place and screw?

New girl at school: What part of get lost don't you understand. Why don't you just go screw a blow up doll! You freak!!!

Horny toad dude: Well either you, your sister or brother wanna go to my place and screw my blow up doll with me?

Horny Toad

A aroused Toad.

The name of a expensive clothing website.
Horny Toad - I want to engulf the narrow space that is your vagina, with my seed.

Not so Horny Toad - I would have considered it but now, I think you're just gross.

Man, you should check out www.hornytoad.com I went there expecting porn but, instead I found awesome cloths that don't stain easily.

Horny Toad

Term usually used in the souther region, said with a lot of souther drawl.

Used when talking about someone (typically ugly) who is extremely sexual/horny towards you or another, when nothing has been done to initiate the mood.
“Oh my god, Jerry is being such a Horny Toad today”

“Bro just block him already, you’ve literally talked to him twice.”

Horny Toad

Ozican rhyming slang for 'road.'
Give us a stubby for the horny toad, mate?

horny toad

1. A person who desperately wants sex, but is never gonna get any because they are ugly or have some other undesirable characteristics.
"You're a freaking horny toad! just go jerk off or something, and get over it!"




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