A film genre that combines the techniques of both horror films and porn films to create a total base cinematic experience.
From the play "Fruit and Nut" by Chris Kirk.
From the play "Fruit and Nut" by Chris Kirk.
I’ve obtained us a bottle of tequila and some horror-porn videos.
Horror-porn? You are so hetero. Wait, does horror-porn even exist? I’ve never heard of it.
Anything from the eighties. Actually, the eighties was horror-porn.
Horror-porn? You are so hetero. Wait, does horror-porn even exist? I’ve never heard of it.
Anything from the eighties. Actually, the eighties was horror-porn.
A film genre stylistically referencing both the pornographic and horror genres while creating its own hybrid genre.
From the play "Fruit and Nut".
From the play "Fruit and Nut".
"I’ve obtained us a bottle of tequila and some horror-porn videos."
Porn horror
A new type of genre in movies,novels,graphic novels,music etc. that combines porn and horror with some movies etc. leaning more toward porn and others more toward horror. A must see,read etc. as some scenes are mind blowing.
He likes porn horror.