Aoi Asahina
Aoi Asahina , is god.
Aoi Asahina
Aoi Asahina is an expression of beauty and grace. Aoi Asahina means beautiful, amazing and any fucking positive word in one.
Aoi Asahina is an expression of beauty and grace. Aoi Asahina means beautiful, amazing and any fucking positive word in one.
"Omg its britney, she is sooo aoi asahina"
Aoi asahina
Aoi asahina is best muscle waifu dounught girlfriend
Do you know aoi asahina?
Person 2: oh yeah I do! She's sakuras best friend and girlfriend, right?
Person 2: oh yeah I do! She's sakuras best friend and girlfriend, right?
aoi asahina
Aoi Asahina is the best girl in Danganronpa THH, And is usually shipped with Sakura or Chihiro but with Togami is probably more likely to happen in canon because if Naegiri is canon, which it is, Togami will definitely not go for Touko, which leaves either Hagakure or Aoi.
Aoi Asahina, the greatest THH girl.