

俚语 hot air ballooned

Hot Air Ballooned

The odor of a fart, released at a lower elevation, is breathed in by another person at a higher elevation. The warm methane emitted from your anus rises, thus creating a similar effect as a hot air balloon.
"Derek was dry heaving on the deck, because Cory hot air ballooned him"

hot air balloon

A conveyance consisting of a sturdy large basket that can hold 4 or more people & is propelled up into the air by a gas burner. They go over 10,000 feet in elevation!
That hot air balloon was really thrilling to ride in & they're awesome to see!

hot air ballooning

A euphemism for "getting high", aka smoking marijuana. As defined by the comedian Throwing Toasters, referring to The Pheromones singing a cover of the song "High" by Feeder. It was a very funny night!
Where did Michael go? Oh, he's out hot air ballooning with his friends... Don't wait up 'cause he won't be home today.

hot air balloon

a device use for flying around...
back in my day a hot air balloon was a flying device, but wtf is it now?!?!

Hot air balloon

When 5 or more PSI is blown into a pussy and the stomach bulges.
I hot air ballooned your mom last night.

The Hot Air Balloon

Where a man put his penis in a bee hive and proceeds to get stung then quickly shoves his penis in a females vagina and waits until it starts swelling up like a hot air balloon then yells, “up up and away!!!”
The Hot Air Balloon

“Yo dude I just Hot Air Ballooned this bitch last night, it was awesome.”

Hot air balloon

When one person blows up a balloon inside another persons anus.
Tommy performed the hot air balloon on his gay lover before it popped and damaged his butthole.




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