

俚语 hotching


Something or someone you are disgusted by.
"that girl is absolutley hotching" Said Gorley
"this burger tastes hotching."
"she is a hotcher!"


To move oneself horizontally across an inanimate object e.g. a bed without the use of arms or legs
Actor 1: *Hotching away nonchalently in his sleep*

Actor 2: "Stop hotching up the bed its gonna break!"

Narrator: A loud *snap* sound echoes through the room

Actor1: *Falls to the floor in a bumbling fashion*


A term for a woman that annoys me. Not an annoying woman, one who is annoying me currently.
Wow Kim is being a total hotch. Wow Kim = hotchface


1. To have sex with a person with complete disreguard for their physical and emotional well being.

2. To flagrantly break a well known rule and receive little or no consequences; to not learn from former mistakes.

3. A state of being arrising from consuming an inappropriate amount of a substance.
I hotched that girl without protection, totally hotching it after I was hotched on 80 cigarettes and 40 beers, Bro-sef.


ho + bitch = hotch
white girl:what a bitch.
asian girl:she is a whore.
back girl: dat gurl is a HOTCH!


An area used for smoking green. Usually refred to as "The Hotch".

Hotch areas are usually rural car parks.
Mate, lets go to the hotch and have a scooby doo.


Is a term men use when discussing a significant other; Girlfriend, wife or even a fling.
1.Hey man, how's the hotch?

2.Hey man, are you still with that same hotch?




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:07:26