

俚语 hot frosty

hot frosty

a really good-lookin' corpse that makes you seriously consider necrophilia.
"Edward Cullen is a total hot frosty. I'd like to do a little sucking myself."

Hot frosty

Semen, cum or jizz.
She didn't let me stick it inside her, so I spilled my hot frosty on her face.

Hot Frosty

A very bold and zesty cup of Joe with all of the frothy crema on top.
Phildangerous: Yo J-$teazy, you want a Hot Frosty bro?
J-$teazy: Hot Frosty with the boyz!

Hot Frosty Lincoln

A frozen beard, vaguely shaped like a sex toy, and smeared with fecal matter. You then use the beard like an accommodater dildo while preforming cunnilingus on a female, who is driving a lincoln
Jim brought his fake beard so jenny could get her hot frosty Lincoln while driving her hot rod Lincoln.




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