

俚语 hot mouth

Hot Mouth

The profuse salivating that occurs right before an individual, usually drunk, vomits. It is the body's natural response to the act of vomiting and is used to protect the teeth from acidic erosion.
"Man, you don't look too good."
"I have a serious case of hot mouth. Bring me to the bathroom!"

hot mouthing

when two people kiss or make out in a passionate, sloppy, animalistic manner, usually involving voluminous amounts of saliva on the areas around the mouths of both parties, with complete disregard for the people, place, or activity transpiring around them.
Joe: Did you happen to catch that little show Dave put on with that blonde chick last night?

Bill: No. What happened?

Joe: They were full on hot mouthing for a good 20 minutes in the bar. Right on the dance floor while the band was playing and people dancing around them, no less.

hot mouth

suckin dick
yeah she gave me some hot mouth last night

hot mouth

1. (n) a loose female whos only purpose is to give head
2. (n) a hoe.
ex. i took this hot mouth to the red lobster
ex. I'm looking for a hot mouth to take home with me tonight.

Hot mouth

When one person approaches another, usually of the opposite sex, and aggressively makes out with them in a forcing manner.
ex: Evan go hot mouth courtney!
ex: Lutes is hout mouthing courtney!
ex: Chris just hot mouthed courtney!

hot mouth loving

Oral sex
Hey, It's 2am. Would you mind if i came by for some hot mouth loving since you are on your period and don't live haveing intercourse.

hot mouth loving

Oral sex
Girl come over here with those juicy lips and give me some hot mouth loving




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:14:49