Hates people who do meaningless stupid trends to be excepted by the society with people claiming themselves introvert and then behave in ways to be accepted by the society. Trends such as urba* di*k-tionary is stupid as well.
Rare name, rare person who is blunt enough to define his own name on this stupid app.
Good luck losers. Get a life,and accept yourselves too. ❤️🤞
Rare name, rare person who is blunt enough to define his own name on this stupid app.
Good luck losers. Get a life,and accept yourselves too. ❤️🤞
You are so pathetic, that Aparimit will call it out.
Hates people who do meaningless stupid trends to be excepted by the society with people claiming themselves introvert and then behave in ways to be accepted by the society. Trends such as urba* di*k-tionary is stupid as well.
Rare name, rare person who is blunt enough to define his own name on this stupid app.
Good luck losers. Get a life,and accept yourselves too. ❤️🤞
Rare name, rare person who is blunt enough to define his own name on this stupid app.
Good luck losers. Get a life,and accept yourselves too. ❤️🤞
You are so pathetic, that Aparimit will call it out.
A rare person calling out people who find existence only when the follow society accepted trends. Hate people who find existence on the basis of other' opinions and people who call themselves introvert and try to gain sympathy also loves to call out pathetic nature of hypocrite people.
Blunt, loud and clear.
Good luck ❤️
Blunt, loud and clear.
Good luck ❤️
You always do things for the social media, with so many filters and fake-ness. Hope Aparimit calls you out.