

俚语 how are you doing?

how are you doing?

hey, how are you doing?

how do you do?

Somewhat archaic greeting. Was popular in England in polite society before the 50s.

The phrase is somthing of a non-sequiter - if read as written there's only half a verb, because one usualy does somthing rather than just does. The question could be construed as 'doing' your girlfriend or wife, but the intent is not to open a discussion on sexual acts, but rather to greet.
Jack: How do you do?
Jill: I am well Jack, and yourself?

How Are You Doing Today?

I'm doing good, thank you for asking. How are you doing today?
I just asked you, "How Are You Doing Today?".

how do you do

How are you
Just askin' how do you do.


(Noun) a prudish way of saying penis, used by Dr. Elliot Reid due to her aversion to using proper terms for genitalia.
Never let a man put his dirty how-do-you-do into your bajingo!

How do you do

You like me and I like you
_Hey how do you do

_ur cringe dude

how do you do

The nickname for a maneuver in which you (1) insert your entire hand into a person's anus and (2) open your hand, as if you are about to wave it and say "how do you do?"
"I want to give my girlfriend a How Do You Do, but I'm concerned that she's a little too tight."
"Well, practice makes perfect."




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