known as a cat lovers who lived in a secret facilities in north africa...people believed theres a secret world called wakanda where huat lives and become a king of “wakanda” in the middle of the north africa. He is strong and fast yet attractive looking. he fight like a cat and never freeze.
i want to become a king like huat
chun huat
a person who preaches about health but never practise what he preaches. The kind who eats macdonalds when having a viral infection. Bo-chap, happy go lucky. Sometimes fierce, denying the presence of X ray eyes. Handsome and kind-hearted, born to be a healer, gifted with healing abilities.
Friend: "Eh I got fever leh! Should I still have macspicy for lunch?"
Friend 2: "Don't be a chun huat, go drink water."
Friend 2: "Don't be a chun huat, go drink water."