(n) A euphemism for viewing pornographic videos and/or pictures, initially extrapolated from the website but now subtends to the general act of viewing porn on all domains on the interweb.
Used in a sentence:
Lyon: "Yo bro wut you doing tonight?"
Charlie: "yo i brb, hubtime! i havent for the past 45 days"
Lyon: "Yo same! come over to my house yo"
Charlie: "can i bring a friend?!"
Lyon: "Bring your mom!"
Charlie: "Kk"
Lyon: "Yo bro wut you doing tonight?"
Charlie: "yo i brb, hubtime! i havent for the past 45 days"
Lyon: "Yo same! come over to my house yo"
Charlie: "can i bring a friend?!"
Lyon: "Bring your mom!"
Charlie: "Kk"