

俚语 huck fin

Huck Fin

When a woman cuts the palm of her hand and proceeds to give you a handjob. Originating from when in the novel Huck fin, Tom Sawyer and Huck Fin cut their palms and shake hands to make a pact.
Dude, you should ask you girlfriend to give you a huck fin. Its like a lubricated handjob.

huck finned

when somebody has you do a job for them by either guilting them into it or by telling to come help and you never help so they do all the work
I huck finned the len, i asked him to bring over shingles for my roof and he layed them all for me

Huck Finning

Referral to the practice, by individuals of either gender, of loosely rolling both pants legs up one to two rolls until the cuffs are between the knee and ankle, so as not to drag the ground.
We were Huck Finning so that our pants wouldn't get wet while wading through the water.

That's cute. She is Huck Finning today and it looks good with that outfit.

huck fin

when you put your arms out and twist up right before u spin off the lip of a jump. considered very unsteezy
you: dude check out that kids huck fin
friend: ya hes been huckin himself all day




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