

俚语 hucklebucked


When one person makes a calculated, last minute change of plans with another person for the purpose of their own benefit. Almost always played off as an innocent mistake or misunderstanding.
Tony: "Last night was miserable. Sheila
said she was in the mood for a few
beers down at O'Reilly's Pub."

Willy: "What Happened?"

Tony: "She made me stop at TJ Maxx on the
way because she happened to notice
a Sale sign in the window. We were
there for almost 2 hours!"

Willy: "Dude you got hucklebucked."


A southern word for a person,hillbilly or ridge runner who tries to utilize anything and everything laying around the homestead/ farm..They find and use whatever ..Using duck tape,bailing wire,glue,liquid weld,shoe string,paste,paper clips,coat hangers.old tires etc. to repair something!
Damn!..Say now son!..Looks like the fender's about ready to fall off the old pick up truck!!..Looks like we have to Hucklebuck that somabitch!..Go fetch me some of that duck tape and liquid weld!..Yea that will fix her!


Song by Chubby Checker in 1949. Has a great fast beat and a really cool, athletic dance to go with it!!! Whoopie Golberg demonstrated it best on her recent 2005 HBO special. Awesome!

Just a fun word back when music and life was fun, and didn't have a damn thing to do with sex, which now everything seems to. I was dismayed to see that was what people overwhelmingly thought this word was about. Go to www.google.com and look up hucklebuck.
Hucklebuck Lyrics 1949
Artist: Chubby Checker

Ah here's a dance you should know
Ah baby when the lights are down low
I say grab your baby then go

If you don't know how to do it man you're out of luck
Push ya baby out then you hunch your back
Start a little movement in your sacrolliac
Wiggle like a snake wobble like a duck
That's what you do when you do the Hucklebuck

***Instrumental break with: Oh - Workout***

Ah here's a dance you should know
Ah baby when the lights are down low
Ah won't ya grab ya baby then go
A little bit of Twist a little bit of this
And if you don't know how to do it ask my little sis
Push your partner out then you hunch your back
Start a little movement in your sacrolliac
Wiggle like a snake wobble like a duck
That's what you do when you do the Hucklebuck

***Instrumental break with: Said ho - Move***

A little bit of Twist a little bit of this
And if you don't know how to do it ask my little sis
Push your partner out then you hunch your back
Start a little movement in your sacrolliac
Wiggle like a snake wobble like a duck
That's what you do when you do the Hucklebuck

***Fadeout*** Here's a dance you should know
ya ya ya ya when when the lights are down


It's a sexual position where the girl is laying on her back and the guy puts her legs behind her head.
Yo son, I put my girl in the hucklebuck last night.


When a guy pins a girls legs behind her head so that he can penetrate all the way to the deep meat
THe next morning after adron had gotten the deep meat he said "damn i hucklebucked the shit out of her last night"


A character on a mid-70's episode of Sanford and Son. Hucklebuck took part in a crooked poker game which wiped out Lamont. Fred, however was able to win the money back by using rigged cards himself. Fred, upon meeting Hucklebuck, originally mistook him for the other card shark Rooster, because of the feather in his hat.
Fred took Rooster and Hucklebuck to the cleaners while Lamont was out getting beer.


the act of swapping or performing a mouthfuck on some unsuspecting person
Juggy Jails: "Lipinski had nothin to do with the huckebuck, where you come with the bucklebuck?"

Frank: "He had somethin' to do with it that night, he was tryin' to suck the pants off me!"




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