A term expressing general displeasure or disdain, specifically towards a given scenario. It's length and tonality may vary, depending both on the person stating it as well as the severity of the scenario.
1.) Doctor: "Your balls have Polio."
You: "Huehhhhhhhh."
2.) You: "Want to come back to my place and- "
Her: "Not in a million years, jackwad."
You: "Huehhh."
3.) Friend: "I've got this awesome thing I am willing to sell to you if you have the money."
You: "How much"
Friend: "10 grand."
You: "Huehhhhh."
4.) Co-Worker: "I got a raise, a bonus and a promotion!"
You: "I got fired. Huehhhhhhhhh."
You: "Huehhhhhhhh."
2.) You: "Want to come back to my place and- "
Her: "Not in a million years, jackwad."
You: "Huehhh."
3.) Friend: "I've got this awesome thing I am willing to sell to you if you have the money."
You: "How much"
Friend: "10 grand."
You: "Huehhhhh."
4.) Co-Worker: "I got a raise, a bonus and a promotion!"
You: "I got fired. Huehhhhhhhhh."