hug·ger·y n.
1. The act of intense and prolonged hugging.
2. The act of sneaking up behind someone and hugging them.
1. The act of intense and prolonged hugging.
2. The act of sneaking up behind someone and hugging them.
There was much huggery between you and I.
I stealthily snuck up behind the lass, my eminent huggery went undetected.
I stealthily snuck up behind the lass, my eminent huggery went undetected.
Adj. The state of being a tree-hugger.
The city decided to tax the driveways, but it was unpopular.
Do you think they'll try to tax the trees next?
No. They're too tree-huggery.
Do you think they'll try to tax the trees next?
No. They're too tree-huggery.