

俚语 huggy bear's

Huggy Bear

A person who is extremely huggable, usually a male who is tall and well built. They have the characteristics of a bear, usually in the case of a male Huggy Bear have facial hair or at least stubble. The Huggy Bear is the kind of person you would run to after being scared or frightened for a protective hug or if you are feeling sad they will also be good to hug, they make you feel safe and cared for. Make excellent substitutes for Teddy Bears.
Buggie - I could really do with a hug, I feel kinda sad....I wish I had a Huggy Bear

huggy bear

That pimp-ass nigga from Starsky and Hutch. Looks like superfly.
"who in the hell came up with the name "huggy bear?"

huggy bear

A term used in referencing being the object of compulsive hugging.Very often this occurs with boyfriends and pets.
Boyfriend says to his too needy girlfriend who likes to hug too much. "I am not your huggy bear."

She treats him like he is her huggy bear.

huggie bear

see pimp; name used to identify good-looking males that get all the ladies
Rob is definately huggie bear material. The girls won't leave him alone

Huggy Bear

Your hook-up. The guy you know that hooks you up with all the coolest parties and knows EVERYONE.
Guy 1: Mohammed's my Huggy Bear
Guy 2: Yeah...what's going down Friday?
Guy 1: I will call, Moo... He'll know...
Guy 1: Starsky and Hutch had Huggy Bear, Bond had M and me and Stu have Moo!

huggy bear

A person that you want to be with all the time, and someone that u care about more than anything else.
Roni is Aishah's huggy bear lol.

huggy bear

someone or something people love to hug- like fat people... hehe, theyre so pillowy soft.
also someone who loves hugs and never turns them down
2:hey look, theres the huggy bear!

(two should go first for once.)




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