

俚语 hummina


I'm thinking.
Person: So do you think we can go out tonight?
You: Hummina...I don't know?

hummina hummina

gibberish used to convey excitement or immediate sexual attraction to someone that takes your breath away. Similar to shwing but more subtle.
A really hot guy (or girl) enters the room. You gasp, then mutter, "hummina hummina hummina" while you think about all the naughty things you'd like to do to him (or her)

hummina hummina

A fervent prayer to the gods of good luck.
"And the winning lotto numbers are..."
"Come on, baby needs new shoes. Hummina, hummina..."

hummina hummina

A phrase used to convey confusion. Phrase usually said after someone says something to someone, and that other someone was not listening.
Teacher: The Mariana Trench is the large fissure in the Earth's surface located in the nether-regions of the "Oceanious Pacificus" which is the largest body of an aqueous saline solution.
You: Hummina hummina???

Friend: Hey, did you hear about that killer party Billy's throwing this Saturday?
You: (after coming back to the real world from staring off into space) Hummina hummina???

hummina hummina

another name for "having sex"
Yeah, me and Joe... we hummina hummina last night.

hummina hummina

Hummina Hummina means No. We as a society are replacing the negative response No, with hummina hummina, more correctly pronounced in a rapid fashion as humna, either one repetition or two. Not simply a negative response, also to mean anything contrary to a vocalized statement. Eg. humna, or humnahumna

Reference to Cheese, as a replacement for Yes. Yes is no longer superlative, cheese is the new affirmative.
Friend: Dude, Janean Garafolo is so incredibly hot.
Me: Humna?

Friend: We should totally go out to that techno bar tonight?
Me: Hummina hummina!




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