

俚语 hummused


To be very, very drunk. Pronounced as the past tense of hummus, the dip that goes well with pita or veggies.
Suzie: Wow that party was crazy last night!
Joey: Yeah, I was totally hummused! No one turn on any lights or make any loud noises.


hummusism is the belief the hummus is the one true lord and if you praise is shall reward you with its amazing dip
me, hey yo bro wanna come join my religion about hummus? its called Hummusism
you, fuck ya bro


Making love to a one-armed midget
Dave: Where were you last night dude?

Fred: I was hummusing

Dave: whoa man, whoa


The act of eating or making the hummus which is a middle eastern dip made of mashed chickpeas, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, and tahini.
Person 1:
Mary & I were hummusing yesterday at my house with pita chips while we drank martinis.
What did you do?
Person 2:
Hummusing too of course.

We were hummusing at a picnic last night with crudités & white wine.


To be very drunk and horny at the same time
Dom was so hummused after his night out with the boys




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