

俚语 humper-dumper

humper dumper

humper dumper is the name given to someone that sleeps with somone else and then finishes it
man is going out with woman. man sleeps with woman then soon after dumps the woman. the man is then called a humper dumper.


Someone who "humps their dump" essentially meaning that they take a shit, then hump the shit.
Ayo, Deelon Musk over there is a humper-dumper, ew!

Dumper Humper

A homosexual male who enjoys participating in anal intercourse.
My friend Matt loves fucking men. He's a total dumper humper.

Dumper Humper

A man who enjoys humping there lover as they are shitting. Can also mean the sucking of a garbage collectors penis at 12:03 am on a Tuesday.
God damn I wanna be a dumper humper rn

humper in the dumper

to do a girl in the ass
man she's got a good ass, i'd humper in the dumper

humper dumper

A slightly derogatory nickname for a dog that is humping a pillow, blanket, etc.
“Mom!! The dogs humping the blanket again“
“ Oh, that little humper dumper! “




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