

俚语 humpy dumpy

humpy dumpy

1. the act of having sex with someone shortly before ending a relationship. Also known as "loving an leaving" or "goodbye sex".

2. Figurine, statue, or plus character of a bear in a Humpty Dumpty suit
1. I gave her the good ol' humpy dumpy since the relationship was in the toilet anyway.

2. I bought the cutest little Humpy Dumpy figurine online today.

humpy dumpy

Someone with a big dump truck asss. Someone who prefers a dirty bulk diet and is therefore on the larger end (almost pregnant looking). It is vital to avoid these people as they track their calories and spend 3 hours daily at the gym, whilst showing no results but keep saying 'the cut will be insane!'
Have you seen Dylan Wood recently, he's got a fat asss from all that bulking. May as well call him humpy dumpy Dylan!




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