

俚语 hunkering


You "sit" down and make a stupid face.
Some dude: What you doing?
Me: I am "hunkering" at my desk because its a Monday.
Dude: Word.


To settle down in a area for a long period of time. Usually consisting of drinking and eating.
Steve: do you guys want to hunker down at the beach sunday?
Dylan: Yeah i want to hunker down all day.


the act of leaving crack in a public place for the client to discretely find.
Man i hunkered your crack in the public library.


my hunker....my hunkie hunk hunker....
Hey hunker....i love you


wen a drug deala hides crack in a popular area fo the junkie to get and use
Yo, man, i saw a dealer hunkering in Central Park let's go get the stuff.

hunker down

Hunker Down game is a game played at hurricane parties. You watch the weather report and everytime the weatherman or news guy says "hunker down" you take a shot. By the time the electricity is out, you don't even care any more.
During Hurricane Ike, i got so smashed playing Hunker Down that I missed the storm!


someone who settles at a bar mumbling (if any talking) drinking, smoking, and hardly moving.
that guy has been hunkering before happy hour... it's almost last call.




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