

俚语 hun's


word that South African gents use when referring to a girl they find pretty or their girlfriend
boy 1: dude i saw this other hun today
boy 2: don't you have have a hun though


short for honey, an endearing term
Hey hun, i missed you!


derogatory word for german or protestant, esp in Northern ireland.
Used to describe rangers football fans.


Slag for a Protestant from Northern Ireland / The Six Counties. Usually a fat, inbreed loyalist or a Rangers fan. Unfortunetly many Catholics use this term to describe all Protestants, forgeting or completely unaware that many of the founding fathers of Irish Republicanism where Protestant - Tone, Emmett, McCraken and Parnell to name a few.
Look at that moany, fat, smelly hun. You'd think he'd do the decent thing and accept his fate of living in a United Irish Republic.


An orange Brit prod. from Northern Ireland
**** away back off 'til yer own coun-tri.... like fuck.


British army WWI term for a German. The term is still used today.
Stupid fucking huns always on the sunbeds.


A hun is the definition of a green-teethed, curly-haired, english ass-kisser, who also supports the worlds first and foremost garbage-collector's team the Glasgow Rankers. Known quotes: "Get aff me, I did nae do nuffin! The guy in the shop gave it tae me as a preseant!" ; "Ah just got the latest number of Chicks with Dicks!" ; "Ah swear this is the last time judge, I wis only borrowing that TV!"
That hun just stole a vibrator!
The huns get gubbed on foreign land




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