

俚语 hypothetically


An adverb thrown into a sentence when the speaker wants to describe a situation but does not want to reveal that it is actually true.
How would you react if I hypothetically ran over your dog while driving home?


describes something that exists as a possibility, an unproven idea or theory. So in other words a theory that may or may not be true!
Random Person: I think Aliens are real!
Scientist: Do you have proof?
Random Person: No its only hypothetical.


What if
Billy: hypothetically speaking, what if the sky was made of cheese?
Billy's mom: I don't know


syn: nerd
Nerd : "Hypothetically, who would win in a fight between the borg, my mousemat, and batman?".
Human Race : "you will die alone without ever having experienced the touch of another human being"


To be hypothetical. Being very exact. Always being truthful. Very true, not false. Being hypotheical, hypothetically of course.
Hypothetically speaking, Serine is very hot!!!


it means dumb slut and whore together, okay?
“you hypothetical whore”

Hypothetical Warfare

When one person is trying to describe a hypothetical scenario but another person keeps contradicting their hypothetical scenario with another, opposite, scenario. Quite similar to Hypological Warfare
Guy 1: Let's say, hypothetically, I was holding a shovel.
Guy 2: Let's say you weren't holding a shovel.
Guy 1: But let's say I was.
Guy 2: But what if you weren't?
Guy 1: But let's just imagine that, hypothetically, I was.
Guy 2: But let's just imagine that, hypothetically, you weren't?
Guy 1: Stop goin' all hypothetical warfare on me, douchebag!





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