

俚语 hypoyoungguychondria


A most unfortunate condition involving a too-young adult male who should be in the prime of life. There are imaginary symptoms of perceived malady and illness. Doctors are unable to provide positive diagnosis for any of the multitude of complaints and often prescribe various medications to shut them up. Unfounded and preposterous complaints appear to be tied into things this person simply doesn't want to deal with such alleged allergies to pets despite no symptoms, and claimed hypersensitivity to foods and drink they don't want to try. Other complaints include sinus issues, outer extremities pain, difficulty sleeping without weird gadgets such as gel pillows and arm splints, poots from overeating, and stomach unrest from ingesting way too many cookies, cakes and other junk food mixed with high alcohol bourbon shots. This person is obese, and refuses any form of exercise due to claims of aches and pains. He prefers to sit home and play Xbox games or repeatedly watching boring reruns of some show about a bar in Philly to socializing out. He wants to leave a jammin bar or party by or before 10pm on the weekend. Obviously can't sustain an intimate relationship because no sane person wants this bs once it's fully identified. Essentially this is a textbook headwire whose screwed up mother is at the root of the central problem. It's easier to justify complaints involving health than to attend therapy to become mentally stable.
Charlie is nearly paralyzed by a case of Hypoyoungguychondria.




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更新时间:2024/12/23 2:18:39