

俚语 apolyonesia


When one or more people experience memory loss when one or more spirits or deities have been 'at work' helping humanity in extraordinary ways. Esp prevalent to angels and such entities discussed in religious texts and scripts.
• Seeing angels do angel-type shit will cause "apolyonesia" with durations of several hours to several days.
• This effect typically resolves shortly after the triggering entity has departed from the respective spheres of influence. No lasting deficit appears to remain after the departure.
• This effect is the causal (Kawz-Ahl) factor in memory loss experienced by victims of catastrophic events where no logical or scientific explanation exists to account for certain positive outcomes and first person accounts from witnesses & survivors don't exist, I.E., A plane crashes and all onboard are killed except a handful of people, but none of them have memory of the final moments and how they weren't killed.
• Apolyonesia, as a word, was developed from the amnesia-like effect that the Archangel Abaddon/Apolyon observed during his time incarnated on Earth. Noticing that his angelic name had been omitted from all but the most exotic apocrypha & occult literature. Then combined with his observation of amnesia-like deficit noticed after he'd save lives but those saved wouldn't have memory of his heroics or even remember his presence afterward.

PD Officer: I can't remember anything past seeing the suspect raise a gun and aim at me, sarge.
PD Sergeant: He shot at you 6 times, and you don't remember how you weren't hit by one single bullet?
PD Officer: I don't believe it myself Sarge, it's a miracle! I wish I could see through this "Apolyonesia".

Angel 1: Where were you all day, Arakael? Did you make sure no one is gonna remember you were there?
Angel 2: Yep, I was down there bitch-smackin a cop with my twelve inches of Apolyonesia inducing limp dick!




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